Ōtautahi - Here’s how we’re doing

Individuals we have supported

Total housed

Total housed




Male 389

Female 155

Gender Diverse 1

Choose not to answer 0

Housing Type

Housing Type

Private 90%

Kainga Ora 8%

Other 2%

Age of Individuals

Of the people supported since the programme began, 61 were 56+ years old, 122 were between the ages of 46 - 55, 160 were between the ages of 36-45, 177 were between the ages of 25 - 35, and 25 were between the ages of 18 - 24. 

11% - 56+ years old

20% - 46 - 55 years old

28% - 36 - 45 years old

34% - 25 - 35 years old

6% - 18 - 24 years old

Age of Individuals


Since Housing First Ōtautahi was launched there have been 389 males, 155 females, and 1 gender diverse kaewa in the programme. 

70% - Male

29% - Female

1% - Gender Diverse


Primary ethnicity

Of the people supported since the programme began, the number of Māori individual participants is 268 people, 245 Europeans, 16 Pacific people, 6 Middle Eastern/Latin American/African, 2 Asian, and 8 who chose not to answer.

49% - Maori

45% - European

3% - Pacific

1% - Other

2% - Chose not to answer

Primary ethnicity

Housing Type

It’s no suprise to our collective that 90% of the homes we have sourced for people are from the private rental market. Private landlords are an incredibly important partner in the fight to end homelessness. In many cases, these privately-owned properties are being leased to a community housing provider in the Housing First collective.

90% - Private

8% - Kāinga Ora

2% - Other

Housing Type
Comcare Trust
Te Whare Roimata
Emerge Aotearoa
Christchurch City Mission
Christchurch Methodist Church