What's On

Nuku’s Story – from Kaewa to Keyworker

Nuku is a familiar face around Housing First Ōtautahi (HFŌ). After experiencing homelessness himself and receiving support through HFŌ, he went on to become a HFŌ Peer Support Worker and more recently has starting working as a Keyworker.
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Health Collaboration Improves Outcomes for Kaewa

Housing First Ōtautahi has partnered with the Rodger Wright Centre Health Service to improve health outcomes for kaewa, through a new pilot health clinic alongside outreach services.
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Housing First study shows impressive long-term change in health and wellbeing

An Otago University study focusing on 387 people who had been part of a Housing First programme has shown dramatic improvement in health, justice, income and employment outcomes.
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World Homeless Day 2023 Street Art Exhibition

To acknowledge World Homeless Day 2023 we hosted a Street Art Exhibition in Cashel Mall, showcasing art created by our Kaewa available for purchase with profits going back to the artists.
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Housing First Ōtautahi marks five-year milestone

Five years on from the service’s launch in 2018, Housing First Ōtautahi has expanded and evolved, overcoming challenges and adapting to provide the best support for people experiencing long-term homelessness in our city.
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The Commons Project celebrates one-year

It’s been one year since we launched The Commons Project, creating a weekly space for those most vulnerable in the city to be able to connect, engage with services, share kai and creative activities.
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Commons Project wins Kumara Award

We are delighted to be one of the winners of this year’s Kūmara Awards in Ōtautahi, with our Commons Project being honoured with the award: Kei tua atu i te kaupapa / Beyond the Brief.
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World Homeless Day 2022 Photovoice Exhibition

To recognise World Homeless Day 2022, Housing First Ōtautahi put together a Photovoice Exhibition featuring photos taken by people experiencing homelessness, sharing their own stories.
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Quality Hotel Elms donates beds for Kaewa

We’d like to express our gratitude towards the Quality Hotel Elms in Papanui for donating 30 queen size beds for the Kaewa we support
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Orange Sky launches in Christchurch

Orange Sky is bringing their hybrid laundry and shower van to the streets of Christchurch
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The Commons Project launches

We've started weekly pop-up events at The Commons Gap Filler site to engage with Kaewa and provide services for those experiencing homelessness in the city
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Walk-in Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics

We’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has helped out w…
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World Homeless Day 2021

World Homeless Day is observed annually on the 10th of October every year. …
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Pātaka Kai

Pātaka Kai Community Pantry is now OPEN  - Located outside The Housin…
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A Kaewa’s Journey to Reconnect with his Mother

When J* was living on the streets he faced multiple complex physical, menta…
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Meet Reg Pennells

Meet Reg Pennells, Integrated Services Coordinator – Housing  at…
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Our work during Covid-19

At the beginning of the nationwide Level 4 lockdown in March 2020, the Mini…
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From sleeping rough on the beach to a comfortable home of his own

It has taken former homeless Christchurch man Woody some time to adjust to …
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Former Homeless Man Amazed

Kelly said he left high school early and got straight into work where …
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Westpac Champion Business Awards - Finalist

We are stoked to be named as a finalist in the Westpac Champion Busine…
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Housing First Christchurch Kaewa Marks First Anniversary in Home

Housing First Christchurch Kaewa Dave Hayward was homeless for 18 months, b…
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Peer Support training graduation hangi

In September we had three people do peer support training at Te Whare Roima…
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Auckland's Homeless Count report has just been published!

Click on the below to check out Auckland's Homeless Count 
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Nuku sharing his story on Breakfast

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Comcare Trust
Te Whare Roimata
Emerge Aotearoa
Christchurch City Mission
Christchurch Methodist Church