Nuku’s Story – from Kaewa to Keyworker
Nuku is a familiar face around Housing First Ōtautahi (HFŌ). After experiencing homelessness himself and receiving support through HFŌ, he went on to become a HFŌ Peer Support Worker and more recently has starting working as a Keyworker.
Nuku experienced homelessness for three years prior to linking in with HFŌ. During this time he couch-surfed and lived in his car, moving from place to place and sleeping rough.
In 2018 he first linked in with HFŌ after hearing about the service through a family member. Ruth, his Keyworker, supported him into emergency housing until permanent housing became available.
“Ruth was caring and warm, she took time to hear me out,” says Nuku. “I was anxious, feeling so ashamed. It was daunting. Her soft approach allowed me to engage. It was still scary. She gave me her card and took my number and said she would be in touch.”
In his second meeting with Ruth he started the HFŌ referral process.
“I didn’t believe Ruth at first. The model of Housing First was overwhelming. She was so positive, I knew she was the real deal. She explained that Housing First would support me into housing and provide everything for the home. It was so joyful the day I went with her to set up my home. I understood there was a pathway out of homelessness, I just didn’t know how to access it.”
After getting into housing, Nuku could focus on his future. “Initially I wanted to work but then I decided that I’d like to study Social Work. This helped me see what it’s like to support people.”
Nuku began working at HFŌ as Peer Support in 2021. “Peer Support are someone kaewa can relate to well because they have the lived experience of homelessness, including obstacles faced. It is a vital part of the model – connection, understanding different world views, offering hope and the power of choice. They empower kaewa through their ability to relate, to realise they can be stronger than they thought.”
Earlier this year, after three years working as Peer Support, Nuku began working as a Keyworker. “The Peer Support and Keyworker role is different; we begin our relationship with kaewa through Peer Support workers who work with those on the waiting list and eventually introduce them to their Keyworker. That way the relationship comes first. Then the Keyworker can help with the next layer which is finding the pathway through MSD etc to housing.”
“I know what being homeless is like, I know how hard it can be to find the right support. I want to help people and use my experience to inspire others to get back on their own positive pathway too.”