Walk-in Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics
We’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has helped out with our vaccination clinics over the last month.
These walk-in clinics aimed to reach people in the community who were hesitant about being vaccinated by providing a safe, familiar space for them to come to and be able to ask questions.
The success of these clinics wasn’t measured by the numbers of people who came, rather by the conversations had, the trust built, the fears allayed and the questions answered in ways that those attending understood.
Housing First believe a locally-driven partnership approach is crucial to ensuring whānau feel safe and encouraged to come out and get vaccinated:
“Getting positive messages out to our community about the vaccine is a role we can all play,” says Housing First’s Community Development Lead Jono Kitt. “Even if you are vaccinated you can play a role in supporting neighbors, friends and whānau to get vaccinated."
Here are some of the organisations and people involved that we’d like to extend our gratitude towards:
Canterbury District Health Board’s vaccination team
St John New Zealand for assisting the vaccination teams
MIHI - University of Otago, Christchurch (Māori Indigenous Health Institute) Māori Vaccination Team
Duncan Webb Labour MP for Christchurch Central for providing the BBQ, kai, pamphlet drops and drivers to transport people to and from the clinic
Waharoa Co-op who delivered kai
Te Whare Roimata Trust for providing the venue and volunteers
And thanks to our Housing First team for organising these events!